Yearly Archives: 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn Casting

Over the years we’ve cast and recorded voices for many iconic games. Horizon Zero Dawn is our latest venture. For any title, casting the actors to bring the developer’s creations to life is one of the greatest challenges and pleasures of our work at OM. When a developer connects with the actor and the actor with the developer there is a magic that happens which enriches the process of creation and the experience of the player. Â…

We’re in Los Angeles

We’re delighted to announce that we have opened our first studio in Los Angeles. The studio known as ‘Vault 501‘ is five blocks from the Santa Monica beach.

Vault 501 is the first Game Immersive Voice Recording (GIVR) facility in North America and as such it is a showcase space for both GIVR and Creative Dialogue Tools. CDT is the software that enables the GIVR methodology.

Vault 501 has an open door policy. G…